Happy New Year!

Sorry - haven't posted in a while, what with real life crashing in with a new job before christmas and then illness over the christmas period itself. Anyway, now that mind and body are functioning again, I'm back in the saddle and ready to go.

I want to start the year by showcasing some nice Dalek pics created by my talented brother-in-law, known by the mysterious moniker of "Lycanart".
Download! Enjoy! Tell your friends!
Good gear and a lovely reminder of that iconic image from the B&W years of Dalek trundling out of the Thames for no good reason. glad to have you back.
Thanks David, I'm glad to be back, too! The last month was a bit mad. I'll pass your comments on to Lycanart - he'll be chuffed to bits! He's putting together a collection of images (Dr Who as well as other stuff) which he will be publishing on his own web site sometime in the near future.
Thanks david.
The images were inspired by childhood memories of the Dalek trundling out of the Thames in 2150 AD.
You have done a grand job of keeping that iconic image fresh.
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