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Monday, February 19, 2007

Some Random Thoughts

Wow! Two months (near enough) since my last post. Only ten more months until next Christmas! :-D

Well, it's looking quite promising for a March start for the new series, a break from the new recent tradition of starting at Easter. However, I'd be more than willing to wait 6 more months so that we could watch it over the winter months... as it should be watched. With lights burning low, fierce winds howling through the trees and cups of hot choccie steaming on the coffee table. None of this "summer" nonsense for me!

Some random thoughts...

I sure hope the rumours of John Simm appearing as The Master turn out to be true. I'm sure he could turn his quality acting talents towards a peerless portrayal of the maestro of malevolent mischief. Derek Jaboi, as well! The talent ratio keeps going up! I'm hoping that the habit of casting ex soap stars doesn't bring the ratio crashing back down.

Daleks in Manhattan, eh? Why do I keep hearing the Muppet theme tune in my head when I think about that wonderful title? Hope it changes before broadcast.

Don't forget to VOTE for Kopic's Doctor Who and Torchwood News in the Herts24 Web Awards! This is a new award for websites owned and operated by people who live in Hertfordshire. I would be eternally grateful for your support!

Anyway, enough for now. Please don't forget that I will read and respond to all emails you send me, so don't be afraid to let me know what you think of the site!


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